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/ USGS: Geolgic Assessment … in the Colorado Plataeu / USGS Geolgic Assessment of Coal in the Colorado Plataeu - Disc 2.iso / Data_Disc / cp / 2m / shape

Document (4)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
cp_city.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 5 31KB 1999-01-25
cp_lown.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 202 1MB 1999-01-27
cp_rd.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 4 42KB 1999-04-08
cp_rr.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 17 70KB 1999-04-08

Other Files (14)
cp_city.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 2KB 1998-12-07
cp_lown.sbn ESRI Spatial Index 28KB 1999-01-27
cp_lown.sbx ESRI Spatial Index 3KB 1999-01-27
cp_lown.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 18KB 1999-01-27
cp_rd.sbn ESRI Spatial Index 5KB 1999-04-08
cp_rd.sbx ESRI Spatial Index 324b 1999-04-08
cp_rd.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 844b 1999-04-08
cp_rr.sbn ESRI Spatial Index 11KB 1999-04-08
cp_rr.sbx ESRI Spatial Index 820b 1999-04-08
cp_rr.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 3KB 1999-04-08
cp_city.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 75KB 1998-12-07
cp_lown.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 2MB 1999-01-27
cp_rd.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 65KB 1999-04-08
cp_rr.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 489KB 1999-04-08